BEN LEANDER Design Studio

+43 650 707 9191

berlin fashion berghain lookbook

Berlin Inspired Fashion Lookbook

I have been working on this ‘fashion’ lookbook forever. I first had the idea when I was living in Berlin in 2018/2019 because people here have their very own way of dressing. Now that I am back, it is finally time to finish this project.

I wanted to tell a little story and create photos that carry certain memories. I put this project off for a long time, but if there’s one thing I am not it’s a quitter. And even though this blog post was sitting around for over a year, I have finally finished it. I know that doing a fashion lookbook is very random for me, so besides the photos, I will also post a little explanation at the bottom of the page.


01 Berghain Reject

02 Berlin Diet

03 Smoke Break

04 Visuals

05 Vintage Love

06 Kitty Katty

07 Vitamin D

08 Hangover Monday

09 Berghain


01 Berghain Reject

Berghain is the most famous techno club in Berlin, and probably worldwide. As a lover of electronic music, I knew I wanted to go there. However, before I was let inside on a later date, I was rejected. It might have something to do with the oversized jacket I got from Humana.

02 Berlin Diet

Berlin Diet is a slang word I’ve learned while staying there. It describes the tendancy of some young people to eat healthy vegan food during the week and next to nothing on the weekend – which may or may not have something to do with certain drugs reducing the feeling of hunger.

03 Smoke Break

A view from my flat’s balcony – and a symbol to what being a smoker in Berlin in winter means: Dressing up from head to toe in warm clothes.

04 Visuals

The visuals in a club or visuals induced by hallucinogenic drugs. This photo was taken at the Beauty exhibition by Sagmeister & Walsh.

05 Vintage Love

I bought most of my clothes in Berlin at Humana, a chain of second-hand stores. This reignited my passion for vintage clothing. This jacket though is my father’s. I’m gonna steal it soon.

06 Kitty Katty

A reference to the Kit Kat Club, a famous sex-positive club in Berlin.

07 Vitamin D

Someone once told me that the sun is its own currency in Berlin. The flats on higher floors are usually more expensive because they tend to catch more sunlight in winter.

08 Hangover Monday

As many clubs in Berlin are open for all of the weekend and Monday mornings (unless there is Corona…), I spent most of my hungover days on Mondays.

09 Berghain

When I got in I wore this simple black (boring) outfit.




Compulsive nonconformist who left the 9-to-5 world after studying psychology and has since then devoted himself to design and writing on a freelance basis. Has at least four different kinds of chips at home at any given time.

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