BEN LEANDER Design Studio

+43 650 707 9191

Black Lives Matter

I wish we were living in a time where racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia were a thing of the past. But this is not the case, as the racial profiling and murder of George Floyd in the US has shown us. 

Posting black screens won’t do much to help the people who are suffering from this. But at least it is a sign. It’s not gonna convince a racist to not be racist but at least it shows support. That’s basically the same thing I tell myself about Pride parades. What an awful way to start Pride month!

There will be protests for the Black Lives Matter movement all around the world. If you’re from Austria you can join the protests happening in Graz and Vienna today. 

Compulsive nonconformist who left the 9-to-5 world after studying psychology and has since then devoted himself to design and writing on a freelance basis. Has at least four different kinds of chips at home at any given time.

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