BEN LEANDER Design Studio

+43 650 707 9191

änsi music video

Premiere: ÄNSI’s new Music Video we Co-Produced

In the spirit of not totally losing our minds, two friends and I declared November to be a creative lockdown-month. So, after I made my own short film, we wanted to more – and decided to make a music video for ÄNSI!

I was already in the music video Artwork by my friend ÄNSI as a stand-in. Back then, I already wanted to make another music video from scratch. Since none of us are videographers, we had to work with what we had and learned a lot on the way. Besides it all,  ÄNSI managed to pull together a beautiful and quite professional set in her bedroom.

Let’s mess a little

The concept was as simple as it was complicated (as it often is the case when you go more ‘minimalistic’): We wanted to shoot fitting scenes and later animate the lyrics over it. ÄNSI and I shot a good chunk of the scenes in one day, for a total of six hours. The whole time I was worried I was gonna fuck something up ending up in us not having any footage. Thankfully, this was not the case. We met again with another friend, Jacqueline Kaulfersch, who has done some awesome illustrations for my blog, to create a large chunk of the animations which we later finished from home. There were many others involved in the production of the music and these awesome folks are credited in the video itself.

The final music video

Without more words, I wanna share the final result with you today. This time, more than ever, I am very happy if you share this post or the video – and leave comments and thoughts on it. In the end, I feel, all we wanted to achieve with this project is to make the people seeing the video a little happy – so enjoy!






More music:
I’m in a Friend’s Music Video
Top 10 LGBT+ Movies and TV Shows
Are Coldplay milking the LGBT+ demographic?

Compulsive nonconformist who left the 9-to-5 world after studying psychology and has since then devoted himself to design and writing on a freelance basis. Has at least four different kinds of chips at home at any given time.


  • 30. November 2020

    Nice music! And…y’all just kind of got together on a creative whim and made a music video? That’s pretty damn impressive. Way to go!

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