Newsletter Archiv
Mitte dieses Jahres habe ich beschlossen, mich zukünftig vom Bloggen zu entfernen. Das heißt nicht, dass ich nie wieder etwas schreiben oder veröffentlichen werde, aber dass ich momentan
Staying true to yourself as a Freelancer
Working as a freelancer means being your own boss, setting your own rules and working according to your own standards. This brings up a big question. How much
Art on Monday | Wedding Invitation
I designed wedding invitations and place cards for two friends of mine. For this occasion, I made this polygonal illustration of two doves grabbing wedding rings. Congratulations! Since I'm
Recognizing my Work’s Value
As a designer, it is often hard to draw the line between work and pleasure. Much of what I do isn't as strenuous as other types of work.